Pre-Sale Home Renovation Specialists


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  • Let’s talk. Whatever it is, we help maximise your properties sale value and that’s what makes all the difference.

FLIPRO is the key to unlocking your property’s potential.

FLIPRO is a Melbourne based, all encompassing pre-sale residential renovation company. What makes us different? We can offer extended payment terms to you, the landowner, meaning we cover the bill for any works undertaken and you pay no fees till settlement!

FLIPRO provides you with all the renovation options to consider when wanting to maximise the sale price of your property. We help devise the right pre-sale strategy for you, offering a unique service and insight on how to unlock your property’s potential. Our goal is to alleviate all the headaches and difficulties faced with pre-sale property renovation and developments.

Our Process

At FLIPRO, property and people are our passion.

Collaborating with you, we provide pre-sale expertise, advice and renovation strategy so you can unlock your property’s full potential and maximise profit.

Once the renovation is complete,
the Real Estate agent takes over and the property achieves the optimal sale price.

With our extended payment terms available, you can pay the costs associated after you have settled on the property. No out of pocket expenses for you!

We love building things with bricks and mortar, but more importantly building relationships.


At FLIPRO, property and people are our passion.

We love building things with bricks and mortar but more importantly building relationships. We understand property is about creating amazing individual stories. We offer the personal touch and transparent end-to-end service in any job we undertake, offering you peace of mind and ongoing support. We want to give everyone the opportunity to renovate and achieve the best sale price. Flipro will help you capitalise on the full equity of your property.

Keeping you in the loop

FLIPRO works closely with all stakeholders to achieve the best results.

FLIPRO, together with the landowner and agent, is a match made in property heaven! Collectively we will determine the market, the necessary improvements and understand and avoid the pitfalls. Our obsession is to help deliver a first-class project that achieves the optimal outcome.

News and events

Post-pandemic Home Renovation Trends: The ‘New Normal’

Eighteen months from the onset of COVID-19, and we’re still adapting to life and work at home. Industries of all kinds have had to remodel the way they operate, with home renovations as no exception. It comes to no surprise that Australians are taking it upon themselves to finally get that renovation project on the go, now that they have more time to spare around their property.

A Renovator’s Dream

Renovator’s Dream? This really was. We expected great returns but this turned out to be a $1 million uplift in the property’s sale price! Yep… this property just achieved a million-dollar uplift through a renovation.

The paint had literally just dried on this one when it was sold for $2.6 million before the scheduled auction date. That is a whopping $1.2 million more than when it was bought in 2018 and it exceeded the anticipated sales price of around $2.2 million by $400,000. The property was valued at $1.6 million before any works had been done, with $300,000 put into the renovation. Even more impressive with this result is that according to SQM research house prices actually fell by 1.5% in St. Ives over that three-year period.

Real Life vs The Block

Have you also been on the edge of your seat watching the Block 2020? We’ve seen fantastic designs, and very tight competition from all of the contestants in every episode. Now that the properties are hitting the market, we’ll learn the true value of all the hard work witnessed in the 16th season of this hit show.